In a groundbreaking move that has sent shockwaves through the DJ industry, AlphaTheta Corporation, the powerhouse behind renowned brands such as Pioneer DJ and rekordbox, has revealed its latest acquisition. Today, on the 11th of July, AlphaTheta proudly announced that it has acquired Serato Audio Research Limited, a move that is set to redefine the landscape of DJ software and hardware.
This exciting development comes after years of collaboration between the two companies. Serato, known for its revolutionary DJ software, first joined forces with Pioneer in 2012, when the DDJ-SX controller was released, marking the beginning of a fruitful partnership. Since then, Pioneer has consistently released controllers that seamlessly integrate with Serato, alongside their own cutting-edge software, rekordbox.
While the acquisition of Serato by AlphaTheta is undoubtedly a game-changer, fans of both brands can breathe a sigh of relief, as the companies have confirmed that they will continue to operate independently. This means that the unique identity and strengths of each brand will be preserved, ensuring that customers can still enjoy the best of both worlds.